We help our clients optimise research and deliver impact. We work at the frontier where research, industry, government, NGOs and community meet. It’s an exciting place to be.

Photo credit: Francis Taylor via Unsplash

We work in partnership with our clients to tackle complex issues and develop creative solutions. We share their passion for seeing science make a difference. For ensuring new knowledge delivers social, economic, cultural or policy impact.

Our expertise includes:

Knowledge mobilisation
Stakeholder engagement
Strategy development
Consumer and community involvement
Diversity and inclusion
Marketing and communications
Ethics and integrity

Professor Gary Egan, Director, ARC Centre of Excellence for Integrative Brain Function:

“Innovation, out-of-the-box thinking...delivered beyond expectations. Rachel Nowak & Associates helped the Centre have a lasting legacy.”

Professor Erica Donner, Research Director, Cooperative Research Centre for Solving Antimicrobial Resistance in Agribusiness, Food, and Environments:

"Many thanks indeed! I have really appreciated your expertise and support and I look forward to working with Rachel Nowak & Associates again soon.” 

We produce extraordinary results for our extraordinary clients.

We’d love to work with you.