Safeguarding human, animal and environmental health with a framework to drive uptake of research findings into policy and practice.

The new Cooperative Research Centre for Solving Antimicrobial Resistance in Agribusiness, Food and Environments wanted to be sure that the discoveries it would make over its 10-year life span would matter. That they would lead to new practices and technologies to protect human, animal, and environmental health, rather than just academic journal articles.

Rachel Nowak and Associates was commissioned to develop a plan that would set the CRC up for success. Research and analysis led to the development of a three-pillar framework, covering codesign, knowledge mobilisation and compliance communication. The framework spanned four time-horizons to accommodate how the CRC’s needs would change as it matured.

The framework is currently being deployed.

In 1945, Alexander Fleming, Ernst Chain and Howard Florey won a Nobel Prize for their discovery of penicillin. As he accepted the honour, Fleming warned that the misuse of antibiotics would lead to resistance. Image: Howard Coster